Leveraging Analytics for an Effective Mental Health Strategy

Mental health has emerged as a critical concern in society, with its significance amplified during the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. Contrary to many other medical categories, mental health claims increased in 2020 and has been on a steady rise, demonstrating its enduring importance. This upward trajectory is expected to persist, underscoring the need for … Continued

Prioritizing Employee Mental Health

Today’s work environments are fast-paced and demanding, and the mental health of employees has emerged as a critical concern that no organization can afford to overlook. Beyond the traditional focus on productivity and efficiency, employers must recognize the profound impact that mental health has on the overall success and sustainability of your business. Four main … Continued

How Fertility Benefits Can Support Your LGBTQ+ Employees

Despite the progress that has been made to date, the LGBTQ+ community still faces discrimination in areas such as healthcare— especially when it comes to fertility and family forming. Barriers like the lack of health insurance coverage and limited benefits options make it emotionally distressing, logistically challenging and often financially infeasible for many LGBTQ+ individuals … Continued

The AI Revolution in HR: Navigating the Shift and Harnessing the Power of OpenAI

The landscape of human resources has been evolving at an unprecedented pace, thanks to the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. As AI-powered tools continue to infiltrate every aspect of business operations, HR managers can no longer afford to ignore the impact of AI on their work. OpenAI, a leading AI research organization, has … Continued

Staying Heart Healthy for American Heart Month

As part of American Heart Month, we’re focusing on women and ways to help reduce the risk of heart disease. Cardiovascular disease is the number 1 killer of women, causing 1 in 3 deaths yearly. Unfortunately, heart disease impacts some women at higher rates than others. However, the simple truth is that most cardiovascular diseases are preventable … Continued

Hiring During Tough Times: Utilizing Tech Tips to Enhance Productivity

With predictions of a global recession on the horizon, several organizations have been slowing down their recruitment or cutting back on their workforce. However, there are other vital approaches that businesses should consider to manage their talent needs. As enterprises have actively utilized digital technologies over the last couple of years, it would be helpful … Continued

HSA Employer Contributions that work with Tech

Employer contributions to a Health Savings Account are a valuable way to encourage employees to enroll in a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) with an HSA. If your organization is considering offering an HSA with an employer contribution, it is vital that you consider if your benefits administration technology can accommodate the intended contribution strategy. … Continued

HR Tech Trends for 2023

­­­­­­­­­­­­The pandemic has created a paradigm shift in work models. HR Tech has become an essential part of the HR function for businesses to survive. As with every sector, the trends in HR Tech, too, are evolving. With just a month left in 2022, companies will begin gearing up for 2023 with new opportunities and … Continued

The Most Popular “Person” in the HR Tech? Talent Management

Talent management solutions reign supreme at the top of the HR Tech list. The focus is on the employee (or future employee). “Talent Marketplace” will replace “Talent Management,” according to industry juggernaut Josh Bersin, Founder & CEO of The Josh Bersin Company and Josh Bersin Academy. At the 2022 HR Tech Conference, Josh was a … Continued