- Updated: OSHA Vaccine ETS FAQs
- COVID Vaccine Boosters: The Facts
- President Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for Private Employers
- Employers Contemplate Workplace Vaccine Incentives (link to document)
- Keep Your Vaccine Cards Safe (employee facing communication) (link to document)
- August 2021 OSHA COVID-19 Update (link to document)
- General & Updated COVID-19 FAQs for Employers (link to document)
- COVID-19 Cases Spike – Delta Variant is to Blame (link to document)
- Keeping COVID-19 Vaccine Cards Safe (link to document)
- Incenting Employees to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine (link to document)
- Facts About COVID-19 Vaccines (link to document)
- EEOC Updates Guidance for Employer Vaccination Incentives (link to document)
- CDC Issues Update for Pregnant Individuals (link to document)
- CDC Releases Big News on Mask Use – Businesses Should Proceed Cautiously (link to document)
- New FAQ Guidance – American Rescue Plan’s New COBRA Subsidy (link to document)
- Important Update – HHS Extends the Public Health Emergency (link to document)
- CDC Releases Big News on Mask Use – Businesses Should Proceed Cautiously (link to document)
- OSHA launches a COVID-19 National Emphasis Program (link to document)
- American Rescue Plan Act and Covid Relief, (link to external webpage)
- HB Retirement Financial Market Snapshot, (link to document)
- HB Retirement Inflation Expectations Update, (link to document)
- New OSHA Guidance on COVID-19, (link to document)
- Pandemic Recovery Plan Update (November 2020) (link to document)
- Financial Market Snapshot 9/2 (link to document)
- Henderson Brothers’ Retirement: Market Strategy Viewpoint 8/26 (link to document)
Benefits Practice Considerations
- OSHA Vaccine ETS FAQs (link to document)
- Employers Contemplate Workplace Vaccine Incentives (link to document)
- Keep Your Vaccine Cards Safe (employee facing communication) (link to document)
- Incenting Employees to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine (link to document)
- Facts About COVID-19 Vaccines (link to document)
- EEOC Updates Guidance for Employer Vaccination Incentives (link to document)
- New FAQ Guidance – American Rescue Plan’s New COBRA Subsidy (link to document)
- Important Update – HHS Extends the Public Health Emergency (link to document)
Financial Considerations – Retirement Plan Sponsors and Committee Members
- Severance of Employment, Layoff, or Furlough? (link to document)
Property & Casualty Considerations
- CDC Updates Definition of “Close Contact” (link to document)
- OSHA Clarifies COVID-19 Reporting Requirements (link to document)
- OSHA Respiratory Protection Update (link to document)
- Pandemic Recovery Plan Update (November 2020) (link to document)
- OSHA Clarifies COVID-19 Reporting Requirements (link to document)
- OSHA Respiratory Protection Update (link to document)
- Expert Update, COVID-19 (link to document)
- California Workers’ Compensation Rule Changes due to COVID (link to document)
- Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Rule Changes due to COVID (link to document)
- NCCI Furloughed Employees White Paper (link to document)
- Considering a business interruption insurance claim due to COVID-19? Check your policy first
- Information Gathering for Potential Business Interruption Claims (link to document)
Individual and Benefits Considerations
- Homeowners and Auto Insurance Webinar, (link to recording)
- COVID-19 and Medicare (link to document)
- Individual & Family Insurance Plan Updates (link to document)
Financial Considerations
- Financial Market Snapshot, 8/17/2021 (link to document)
- Speaking of Markets – High Cost of Cashing Out (link to document)
- HB Retirement’s Guide to Volatile Markets (link to document)
- Legg Mason: Learning From the Lessons of Time (link to document)
Let’s Talk.
Is your current advisor providing you with the information that you need to make business decisions?

Dan Coast
Vice President, Sales
Commercial Lines
Email Dan
(412) 754-3279

Brendon Costa, AIF®
Director of Wealth Management
HB Retirement
Email Brendon
(412) 754-3170

Sean Ganoe
VP, Business Development
Benefits Practice
Email Sean
(412) 754-3215
Please note that the information contained on this page is designed to provide general awareness in regard to the subject matter covered. It is not provided as legal, medical, or tax advice, nor is it intended to address all concerns in your workplace or for public health. No representation is made as to the sufficiency for your specific company’s needs. This post should be reviewed by your legal counsel or tax consultant before use.