
How Can Telematics Data Help or Harm Carriers?

Mak Kelly explains

Those that attended the Henderson Brothers Transportation & Compliance event last October may recall how your telematics data can help or hurt your company depending on how, and if, the information is used.

If you have telematics data that is recording coachable events, it’s pivotal that we are accessing that system and providing coaching where warranted, or correcting discrepancies.

It’s becoming more common for this information to find its way into courtrooms and if we aren’t using this information to enforce our policies, we could be highlighting gaps in our training & management processes.

We encourage our clients to develop a regular driver coaching battle-rhythm and get into the habit of using this information to identify and mitigate risky driver behaviors. Many systems even have convenient virtual dashboards that help make this process a little easier for smaller trucking operations. Utilizing this information the right way will reduce the likelihood of claims, and make sure that should one occur, our defense team has this information as proof of what you’re doing right.

Please note that the information contained in this posting is designed to provide general awareness in regard to the subject matter covered. It is not provided as legal, medical, or tax advice, nor is it intended to address all concerns in your workplace or for public health. No representation is made as to the sufficiency for your specific company’s needs. This post should be reviewed by your legal counsel or tax consultant before use.